Toasted Sesame Dressing

% Ingredients

  • 53.9% Canola Oil
  • 23.22% Water
  • 6.90% Tahini Paste
  • 5.00% Sesame Seeds
  • 5.00% Toasted Sesame Seeds
  • 2.00% Rice Vinegar Flavored Powder 5401
  • 1.20% Roasted Garlic Extract Powder 2355
  • 1.00% Traditional Soy Sauce Powder 5301
  • 0.90% Shiitake Extract Powder 2111
  • 0.65% Komi Powder 7400
  • 0.20% Black Pepper, ground
  • 0.03% Salt

Dissolve 5401 Rice Vinegar Flavored Powder, 2355 Roasted Garlic Extract Powder, 5301 Traditional Soy Sauce Powder, 2111 Shiitake Extract Powder, 7400 Komi™ Powder and Salt in water.

While using immersion blender, add the following ingredients one at a time, mixing well after each addition: tahini paste, sesame seeds, black pepper.

Slowly add canola oil and toasted sesame oil while continuing to mix dressing with immersion blender.